real estate investment basics
This course covers very the basics of stock market investing, for regular people who would like to get started with investments but need some guidance and the basic knowledge.
The course is designed for everyone and requires no prior knowledge.
The course is comprised of the following 4 group meetings, as well as one individual meeting for each participant;

Why invest in real estate?
And why not
In the first session, we'll talk about the many advantages of investing in Real Estate, but also about the disadvantages.
In Real Estate investments, financing is extremely important, sometimes even crucial. In this session we'll explain why that is the case and what does financing give us as real estate invetors.

Evaluating real estate investments
Investing in Real Estate is slightly more complex than other investments (for example the stock market).
How should you evaluate the attractiveness of a specific investment? And how to compare it with other alternatives?
the purchase process from a to z
In this session we'll go over the entire purchase process, from searching suitable properties, inspecting and evaluating a property, the purchasing contract and signing the deal