investment foundations
This course covers very the basics of stock market investing, for regular people who would like to get started with investments but need some guidance and the basic knowledge.
The course is designed for everyone and requires no prior knowledge.
The course is comprised of the following 4 group meetings, as well as one individual meeting for each participant;

Why should you invest?
And what happens if you don’t
In the first session, we'll talk about why - why should I invest? Sounds obvious, but it’s important we have a common language and some definitions: what do we mean by “investing”, what does it take and what can we expect?
what to invest in, and how much?
What to invest in and how much – there’s many options out there: individual stocks, indices, sectors, countries/continents, bonds, funds etc. etc. - we'll explain what each of them actually means, the pros and cons of each, and what is best for you

"The perfect portfolio"
and where to invest?
What does the perfect portfolio for each of us looks like? which platform (broker/bank) is best for each of us?
how to start investing
and how to continue over time?

What's the best way to start investing? how to plan your future investments over time and how to create your own long-term plan

Individual Session
In this individual session which we will have after completing the 4 group sessions, you'll have the opportunity to ask any remaining questions or questions regarding your own individual circumstances.
Additionally, we will complete your first investment together, so that we can overcome any questions or difficulties that might arise