FOUNDATIONS is a financial education project aimed at simplifying financial knowledge and making it accessible to anyone. I’ve started FOUNDATIONS after realizing there’s a real lack of knowledge regarding stock market investing. I’ve noticed that friends, colleagues and family members around me, smart, talented, successful as they may be, don’t invest at all. Some of them are even intimidated by the topic.
My goal is to make this knowledge available, to simplify that which might seem complex (though it’s not) and through that, overcome fears and concerns and allow anyone to invest in the stock market, for the long term, in a passive way which doesn’t require too much time and effort.
Our courses
The courses I offer are designed for anyone: those who don’t yet have any knowledge but would like to learn, those who tried and were perhaps unsuccessful, those who are already investing but not quite sure if what they do is the right thing.
Get in touch today to learn more about our courses and which one is best for you